Serial Sectioning TEM as HD University-DKFZ Cross Facility Service
A successful joint technology development is part of the planned expanded collaboration between the two electron microscopy facilities on the Heidelberg campus.
The aim of the project was to explore techniques of serial sectioning combined with transmission electron microscopy and create volume data for ultrastructures with 3D-rendering in a joint effort between two electron microscopy facilities, at the DKFZ and at Heidelberg University. Importantly, the segmentation software AMIRA was installed, offering a dedicated site for 3D rendering. The facility’s customers can now process their 3D image data with a very powerful workstation and a software dedicated for the tedious task of structure-segmentation within a complex cell landscape, to enable measurements and provide a better presentation of the 3D data. With a recent investment we renewed updates and service-hotline for the next three years. This work-station will also be part of the planned expanded collaboration between the two EM-facilities.