FAQ - Interinstitutional Postdoc Call
Is it allowed to apply for both options, a proposed project offered by Alliance PIs (A) and a research project defined by myself (with Alliance PIs) (B)?
No, please choose one of the two options. We will only accept one application.
Are applications accepted from PhD students who have not defended their thesis yet but plan to do so in the next months?
Yes. Please add a scan of the planned graduation date to your application. Please submit all in one single PDF.
With regard to template B: Can the instruction text be removed to be able to stick to the requested length?
Yes. Please note: The project description including one figure should not extend one page.
Are there separate cover letters requested for all three selected projects?
No, only one cover letter that describes your past activities, your skills and your profile in respect to the selected projects is needed.
On the Support Letter there are only fields for the signatures of host PI and collaborating PI. Is the signature of additional partners also required?
No, only the signatures of host PI and collaborating PI are requested. Their labs should be located at different Alliance Institutions.
Am I elegible if I propose my own project with a PI who has already proposed projects for this call?
Yes. As long as you have been in contact with the PI and s/he confirms to support your application (support letter), the PI can act as host or collaborating PI.
What is the duration of the postdoctoral positions?
Accepted candidates will be provided a two-year contract at one of the Alliance institutions. The funding decision will be announced in July 2025 and successful applicants are welcome to take up the post as soon as possible from August/September 2025 on.
Am I eligible to apply if I am working longer than 6 months as postdoctoral researcher at one of the Alliance institutions (Heidelberg University, Heidelberg University Hospital – Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, and Central Institute for Mental Health (ZI)?
At the time of the submission deadline, applicants should not have worked for more than six months as a postdoctoral researcher at one of the Alliance institutions co-hosting the selected project(s). These applicants can choose from projects offered by PIs of other institutions only.